Should you be using Canva to create graphics for your business?
You don’t need to be a professional designer to use Canva - it has brought design software into the public and made it easily accessible for all. But should you be using it to create graphics in your business? And is there a right and wrong way to use it?

Why you should stop tweaking and changing your branding
How often do you find yourself scrolling through fonts to see if you can find something ‘nicer’ or something ‘better’ for the graphic you’re creating? Do you see a colour you like and then look at incorporating it into your own branded materials?

Where does branding sit on the priority list?
You know there’s a list of things you’d love to do to really push your business forwards and branding is one of them. But when should you do it? When does it become a priority?

Should you use Canva templates for your social graphics?
Now Canva has some lovely templates to use - and these are particularly great if design and layout isn’t your thing. So what’s the problem with using them then?…

What does a 'FREE' logo really cost?
Let’s look at some of the ways you might think about saving money when it comes to getting a logo and the real cost of doing that…

Top 5 tips for mums trying to run a business with limited time
With the ups and downs that I’ve had over the last few months I want to share the things that have helped me get through this and retain some kind of sanity (most days)…

Working from home... with the kids...
Many of us are working from home, and now with our children with us and no option of family or friends to help out…

Why you can't have a brand identity without a brand
A brand identity can’t exist without a brand. But why is it important that we have the brand in place first?

Starting a business as a mum - why do we do it?
There are many reasons why we start businesses as mums - whether it happens once we have children, when we’re on maternity leave, or as we start to think about having them.

What is a brand? And why do you need one?
So what is a brand? A name? A logo?
Well, your name and logo are just a part of your brand identity but your actual brand goes a lot deeper.

Things don't always go to plan and that's ok.
I’d planned to relaunch my branding and design business over 12 months ago. But things don’t always (quite often don’t) go to plan…